Managing Director - N K Proteins Pvt. Ltd.
Representing the next generation at N.K. Proteins, Mr. Priyam Patel is a well-travelled individualwith global business exposure. His highly educated & independent personality is rooted in hiseducation at The Lawrence School-Sanawar during his formative years and the bachelor’s degreein Corporate Management he pursed from Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies (SCMS).Besides doing his Masters in Marketing from the University of Westminster, London, he has alsopursued academic insights through various management development programs at LondonBusiness School, ISB Hyderabad, Indian Institute of Management (IIM-A) and at MICAAhmedabad. Armed with a global exposure, he joined the family business at the young age of 21. He hadtaken on the task to develop new businesses and brought about changes that would take thecompany and the brand to great heights in the future.His energy has infused the brand with new energy. Through smart business strategies he isdriving growth and differentiations across NK Proteins’ portfolio.Under his energetic leadership he has received the ‘Rising star of the Year 2019’ title at the Globoil awards for edible oil industry. He has also led the Tirupati Cottonseed Oil brand toreceive the ‘Best Brand Award’ at the Brand Leadership Award 2019, in the FMGC-Edible OilCategory. Today he has become the young face of NK Proteins’ 30 year legacy and strong relationship thebrand has with Indian households.
Join us for the grand 28th-year celebration of Globoil India
Executive Vice President, Head of Procurement & Logistics, ITC's Food Division.