Kailash Singh

Managing Director - Tefla's

About me

Kailash Singh is a Post Graduate in International Politics from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He has spent more than a decade with Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) researching into Indian Electoral Systems and Voting Patterns & Behavior in his initial career when Election Analysis & Psephology was in its infancy in India. CSDS was one of the first Indian organizations with a long and illustrious history to venture into the field of election studies and surveys long before they became the norm in India. He had the good fortune of being associated with Luminaries & Socio-Political Analysts of repute like Rajni Kothari, Rameshwar Roy, Bashirudin Ahmed & Ali Baquer where the seeds of Political Strategy & Management, deploying holistic and custom made solutions for Political campaigns, Election management, Voters database management & Media Management was sown in his mind.Kailash has spent considerable time in Socio Economic Development Research in areas spreading health, housing, education etc. His research background has helped him in conceptualizing and planning knowledge based Global Business Platforms. Having catered to niche industry segments through an array of focused initiatives, as the Managing Director of Tefla’s, Kailash has played a pivotal role in expanding the knowledge sphere and networking landscape for the national as well as the international industrial congregation.Think Odisha, is an initiative of Kailash with the objectives of spearheading systems & processes to catapult Odisha to higher growth orbit by promoting business through investment, technology infusion & trade promotion. Think Odisha aims at planning, promoting, organizing & Supporting activities related to social development, corporate governance and public good besides encouraging and assisting corporates in implementing CSR strategies and programmes. Think Odisha is also a platform for awareness building for VOTE U MUST, VOTE U RIG

Kailash Singh

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